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2019 Brags








No meeting due to Puppy Match



Jan’s “Dierks”, RainMaster’s Make My World Go Black completed his AKC Championship on 8/24/19 exactly 3 months from start to finish.  His first show was 5/24/19 and he completed it in 18 shows.  Thursday 8/22/19 at Sugarbush he was WD/BOS for a point under judge Dr. Joyce Dandridge.  Friday at Sugarbush he was WD/BOW/BOB for 2 points under Cledith Wakefield and Saturday at Sugarbush he was WD/BOW/BOB for 1 point to finish under Carl Gene Liepman.



Jackie, Danny and Tootie’s Hela "Longo N VanDelft's Goddess Of Death” was RWB on July 6

Ann Arbor Kennel Club under judge Paula Nykiel, handled by Lindsey Cook.  She was also WB/BOW/BOS on July 14 at Grand River Kennel Club under judge David Haddock, handled by Bobbi Kinley-Blewett


Mona's "Bos'n", CH WYSIWYG's Bos'n At Anchor v Breakwall, went BOB under judge, Ms. Judi Elford at the McKinley KC on Saturday 06/08/19 in Canton, OH. He now has 14 pts with 2 majors towards his GCH.



No meeting in June due the Specialty



Jackie & Danny’s “Henry”, Longo N VanDelt’s Rugged Good Looks was RWD both days at the Crawford County shows.


In April at the Central Ohio KC show, Jackie, Danny, and Tootie’s “Hella”, Longo N VanDelt’s Goddess of Death was WB/BW/BOB over specials under Bob Slay.  At the same show, “Thanos” Longo N VanDelft’s Mad Titan was WD.


“Cedric”, Longo N VanDelft’s McLaren, bred by Jackie, Danny and Tootie was WD at two shows in New York.


Greg finally put up the shutters that they bought last year!


Sandee’s Sundara’s Engineered To Move, “Mercedes had the following wins:
5-12-19 - RWB/BBBE under Judge Ms Cheryl Paterson, BBE Gr 3 under Judge Mr William Patrick at Ravenna KC Show 
5-23-19 - RWB Under Breeder Judge Faye Zahorchak at Altoona Area Kennel Assoc 
5-24-2019 - RWB Under Judge Mr H Brian Reid. At  Trumbull County KC
5-26-19 - BPISW/BISW under respected Breeder Judge Jose Ribo at Great Dane Club Of Western Pennsylvania 


Sandee’s puppies on the west coast are doing very well also.


One of Kathy’s puppies, K1’s Sambuca Black v Gallantree, who she sold to a truck driver in Michigan is already a UKC Champion and was RWB at Wolverine.  


Greg and Gina’s “Bentley”, Sundara N Griner’s Drunkn On A Dane, was WD/BW from Bred by both days at the Fort St. Clair Shows at the end of April.


Jan’s RainMaster’s She’s Fifty Shades of Gray, “Audrey”, was WB for 1 point under Jon Cole at Blennerhassett KC on May 19th and WB/BW for 1 point at Altoona Area Kennel Association under Faye Zahorchak.


Jan’s RainMaster’s Make My World Go Black, “Dierks”, had a great weekend in New Castle, going WB/BW for a 3 point major under Susan Yotive and WB/BOS (over specials) for another 3 point major under Jason Hoke in his first weekend in the ring.


Jan’s RainMaster’s She’s Back In Black, “Marlo” was RWB under Jason Hoke at GDCWPA on May 26th, also her first time in the ring.



Cyndy’s ribbon business is taking off!  In 2019 she has 57 shows and 3 National Specialties. 


Sandee’s Mercedes was Best in Sweeps in Illini under Susan Davis Shaw her first weekend out.


Callie’s Misty has gained 2 IABCA titles and 3 AKC titles within the last 2 months. She is now known as Nat. Jr CH Int'l Jr CH Unity's Prayze Dancer CGCA TKN.Callie will be judging Sweeps for Wolverine’s Specialty in November.


Greg is judging Sweeps at Cincinnati Memorial Day weekend.


Mona’s Bos’n went BOS under Robert Slay on Easter Sunday in Columbus.



Heather’s Halo, GCH Journey’s N Vegas Circle of Light took BOB in Louisville on Thursday and Saturday.  She also won BOS at Illini under Sue Mahaney at the PM show on Sunday.



Mona’s Bos’n, CH WYSIYG’ Bos’n At Anchor V Breakwall, got 2 GCH points at Rubber City KC under judge Roger Gifford on Sunday.


Heather’s Halo, GCH Journey’s N Vegas Circle of Light took BOB in 5 shows on the Florida Circuit and BISS at the Great Dance Club of Oxford.


Sandee’s puppies have been very successful at local puppy matches.


Jan had a litter of 10, with 8 surviving on Saturday out of Brix.  Jan has a 4 ½ month black boy available to a show home.



No meeting


Upcoming Events

February Meeting
February  25
7:00 pm
Kathy Baraga's House
1256 Nesbitt Rd.
Sagamore Hills,
OH 44067

Public welcome!

Ohio Specialties
See you in June 2025!




Gina Griner​


Breeder Referral: 

Greg & Gina Griner


Rescue Liaison

Heather Sturdevant




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