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2017 Brags


No Meeting



Kitty’s DaneAcre Ellenni’s Little Miss Magic “Bella” won the 9-12 brindle bitch class at the

National under Phil Gray.


Greg & Gina’s “Tegan”, Fontana Krisda’s I’m Practically Magic at Griner, was WB/BOW for 1

point at Valparaiso under judge Carl Gen Liepmann.


Greg & Gina’s Olivia got a group 3 in the Hound Group at Agathon and is the #7 Podengo in

the country.


Mona’s “Bos’n” CH WYSIWYG’s Bos’n At Anchor V Breakwall. Under judge Dr. Ron Spritzer,

Bos’n earned his 3 rd major on November 16 th at the Sandusky KC show. He was bred and is

co-owned by Teresa La Brie. His 14 th natural eared black to ever finish an AKC Championship.


Cyndy’s “Warlow” had a good November with the following wins: OHBISS Hoosier GDC

Breeder Judge Sharon Fulford-Fint, OHBISS Hoosier GDC Breeder Judge Leon Riemert,

OHBOB Dayton KC Judge Vicki Allenbrand, OHBOB Central OH KC Breeder Judge Nancy



BOS/OHBOB/OHG4 Agathon KC breeder judge David R Miller, SEL/OHBOB Agathon KC

judge Diane Anderson.


Jan has 2 litters if anybody needs a puppy or knows of anyone who does.



Kathy is going to be a grandma!!!!


Cyndy- Warlow is a daddy again. He went select dog in NY to finish his bronze GCH title. Last weekend at Clermont KC he went OHBOB both days and also a OHG4


Mona- Bosn’ WD, Brian Meyer. 2 points. He needs one more point to finish. (she will email this to you!)


guest/Wendi- her puppy Honor, G1 and G2 in puppy match.


Jan- Audry needs 4 singles to finish


Jackie- Sugarbush Amelia won 1 point, Fort Stuben BOW 1 point to finish



No meeting due to puppy match



Sandee and Greg co-bred a litter out of Avery and Brew. They will be seven weeks old.


Jan’s “Audrey” Rainmaster’s She’s Fifty Shades of Gray won WB/BOW at Canfield on Sunday,

August 6 th under judge Terry Berrios and WB at Lorain County KC on August 13th under

Sharon Derrick.



Mona’s “Bos’n” – WYSIWYG’s Bos’n At Anchor v Breakwall was WD/BOW at Monday, May

29th under judge Brian Meyer at the Cincinnati Kennel Club for 2 points. He needs 3 points to



Mona’s “Hulett” has his second champion. His daughter “Paisley” - CH Wolfpack Discovery

The Perfect Storm Eclipse went WB for her last two points on Sunday, July 16th at the Kenai

KC show in Alaska under judge Sandy Wheat. Patty Wolf is her breeder, owner, and handler.


Jan’s “Audrey” - Rainmaster’s She’s Fifty Shades of Gray went BOW both days the Toledo

Kennel Club shows for 2 majors, and she was BOW at Madison.


Kitty’s “Roper” – Daneacre Ellenni’s Brand New Country Star, won a 4 point major the first time

in the ring and 1 point the next day in early June in North Carolina.


Greg & Gina’s “Tegan” Fontana Krisda’s I’m Practically Magic at Grinder, was WB/BOW on

Saturday the Heart of Ohio GDC and WB at our show on Sunday for two 4 point majors under

judges Wayne Peterson and MJ Cohen. She was WB for another point on July 9th at the

Huntington KC show under judge Mary Ann Alston.



No meeting due to Ohio Specialties



Mona’s “Bos’n” – WYSIWYG’s Bos’n At  Anchor v Breakwall earned WD/ BOW on Saturday, April 29th and on Sunday, April 30th under judges Col. Joe Purkhiser and Garry Newton, respectively, at the Fort St. Clair Kennel Club. Bos’n  earned WD for a 5 point major under breeder judge, Mimi Kim, at the Great Dane Club of Michigan specialty on May 19th. He now has 10 points and both of his majors



Callie’s “Kitty” Unity’s Treasure is now Can GCH/Int’l CH Unity’s Treasure, AOM. She had the following wins: Mt Cheam Canine Association cluster (Can): 2/24 BOB – judge Fabrico Pastor,

2/25 SB – judge Gerson Ayala, 2/26 BOB – Linda Kraft. On March 25 th , she was WB/BOW at

Peninsula Dog Fanciers Club in Bremerton, WA for 1 point toward her AKC Championship, now has 4 points with 1 major. At the Renaissance Dog Association/GDC of West British Columbia she won the following: 4/13 SB – judge Murray Eason, 4/14 SB – judge Walter Pinkster, 4/14 – AOM GDCWBC Specialty – judge JC Salyers Anderson, 4/15 SB GDCWBC Specialty – judge Karen Kaemling, 4/15 SB – judge JR Shoreman, and 4/16 BOB – judge Polly Smith.



Mona's Grandma brag… Hulett puppy “Paisley” – Wolfpacks Discovery Theperfectstorm Eclipse went WB / Best of Winners for a 4 point major under Judge Joe Gregory at the Alaska Kennel Club on Sunday, March 19th, 2017.



James is now “Longo Miller N Lore’s King James”. He finished in Ocala. Owned by Jackie and Amber Finkel and Tootie Longo and Lorraine Matherly.


Greg & Gina’s “Leah”, Krisda Kennedy’s Here We Go Again went Best of Breed all 4 IAB shows on February 25 & 26 th at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, DE.


Mona’s “Bos’n”, WYSIWYG’s Bos’n At Anchor V Breakwall, was RWD in Novi under James Taylor on January 21 st .



No meeting.  We had a wonderful After-Christmas party at Joe & Tootie Longo's home.



Upcoming Events

February Meeting
February  25
7:00 pm
Kathy Baraga's House
1256 Nesbitt Rd.
Sagamore Hills,
OH 44067

Public welcome!

Ohio Specialties
See you in June 2025!




Gina Griner​


Breeder Referral: 

Greg & Gina Griner


Rescue Liaison

Heather Sturdevant




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