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2015 Brags


No meeting. Merry Christmas!!



Kathy reports that her Trio and Jan’s Delaney welcomed 6 boys and 3 girls on Saturday Nov 21st.



No meeting due to the Great Dane Club of America National Specialty in Myrtle Beach, SC



Kitty's "Rose", DaneAcre's Wild Irish Rose, was SB at Lorain under Elliot Weiss and BOBOH, handled by Sandee, and won an OH Group 3 under Adrian Woodfork. and won SB the following day under Adrian Woodfork.  Greater Cincinnati Great Dane Club specialty, she was SB under Mimi Kim and BOS under T. Lynn Adams.  Also in Cincinnati on September 6th, she was Select under James White.


Sandee's "Kasia" Daneacre's Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara, was Best Junior in Sweeps and Best in Sweeps under breeder judge Tiffany Cross at the Wolverine Great Dane Club on July 3rd.  On July 10th at the Grand River KC, she WB, BOS, BOBOH under judge Ronald Mahon, OHG1 under Connie Alexander, and OHBIS under Jaqueline Quiros-Kubat.  She was WB under Debra Thornton at Ashtabula KC on July 11th.  On July 26th at the Marion OH KC, she was WB/BOW under Cindy Meyer and again on the 27th under Bonnie Linnell Clarke.  Kasia was WB on August 21, 22, and 23 at Sugarbush and Western Reserve under Sue Ellen Rempel, Joan P. Scott and Shellie Marshall, also BOW on the 23rd. On September 4th at the Greater Cincinnati Great Dane Club specialty, she was WB/BOW for a 3 point major under Mimi Kim.  Sandy is a 4-point major away from finishing her first Champion.


Kathy's Trio's son Bruno was back to back BOBOH.  He is owned by Stephanie Price.


Jan is a grandmother, her grandson Kamden Lee was born on September 11th.



Beth and Seth got engaged!


Callie;s Brags: Aug 13th Susque-Nango KC Kitty's daughter- Kali- "CH Unity's No Ordinary Love" completed her GrCH by going BOS and Chance's son - Jester- "GrCH Kelso-Unity's Dreamin' At The Foot Of Kings,AOM" went SD  under judge Alan Ewles.    Aug 14 @ the same KC next day Jester wins BOB to complete his Bronze GrCH and Kali goes BOS under j Beverly Capstick.   August 15th @ Tioga County KC Kali goes SB under j Paul Willhauck.   August 23rd at Western Reserve KC Grace- BelieverDanes Unmerited Favor @ Unity is BOB for great danes in the 4-6 mo Beginner Puppy competition. The judge was Joan P Scott


Kitty's "Rose" DaneAcre's Wild Irish Rose went WB for a 5point major under Susan Yotive and another 5 point major with WB/BOW under Lourdes Carvajal to finish her Championship at the Ohio Specialties at 13 months.  She was also Best in Sweeps three 3 days in a row under Lance Deloria, Sonya Sanchez, and Michele Manier.   She is started on her GCH being handled by Sandee.



Mona's "Hulett" qualified for the 2015 GDCA National Obedience Invitational by ranking6th in Novice Obedience.  He also ranked 2nd in Rally Novice and 13th in Rally Advanced.


Hulett's son, "Dozer", Wolfpacks Sweet Dreaming Rock Mover, bred by Patty Wolf, owned by Patty Wolf and her daughter, Karaina Magana, got a 4 point major under Arely Hussin by winning WD/BOW on July 25th.


Hulett's daughter, "Paisley", Wolfpacks Discovery Theperfectstorm Eclipse, also bred and owned by Patty Wolf, was WB on July 11th under judge Annella Cooper


Cyndy's "Warlow", Von Charm's Fate Intervened V BlackTie, took at 3-point major under Pat Ciampa at the Wolverine Specialty.


Greg & Gina's "Brew", GCH Dugan's Good To The Last Drop At Griner, is tied for #6 in the Owner Handler series.



No meeting due to Ohio Specialties



Kitty's, "Rose", Daneacre's Wild Irish Rose, was WB for a 3-point major under judge Patricia Sosa at Evansville KC in Louisville on March 14th and WB/BOS under judge Walter Sommerfelt at Ravenna KC on May 9th.


Sandee's, "Kasia", DaneAcre's Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara, was WB on May 17th under Ken Buxton at Blennerhassett KC, WB/BOS under breeder judge Mimi Kim at New Castle KC on May 23rd, RWB under Joe Walton at Trumbull County KC on May 24th, and RWB under John Constantine New Castle KC, all owner-handled.


Jackie, Danny, and Tootie's "Enzo", CH Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes the Son, was SD on Friday at the Great Dane Club of Michigan for a 4-point Major under judge Arnie Eckenrode and on Saturday at Genesee County KC under judge Jon Cole.


Heather's "Nevada", CH Journey's Viva Las Vegas, had a great weekend Kalamazoo:  SB under Patricia Hess on Thursday, SB on Friday under Sharol Candace Way, BOS on Friday under Michael Conradt, BOS on Sunday under Norman Kenney, and SB on Sunday under Nikki Riggsbee.


Greg & Gina's "Brew" CH Dugans' Good to the Last Drop at Griner, was BOB at Crawford County KC on May 2, under judge Diane Anderson. He won BOB at Blennerhassett KC on May 16th under judge Donna Buxton.  On May 17th, he wsa BOB/OHBOB/OHG2 at Blennerhassett KC under judge Ken Buxton and again at Warren County KC on May 20th under Leah Lang to finish his Grand Championship.  On May 24th at Cincinnati KC under Linda Krukar, he was Best of Opposite.


Greg & Gina's "Leah", Krisda Kennedy's Here We Go Again at Griner, competed in the 4-6 month puppy class and was BPB/BPG3.  She also became an AKC Star Puppy.


Cyndy's "Warlow", Von Charms' Fate Intervened V Blacktie, won Winner's Dog at Ravenna KC on May 10th for his first 2 points.  He got a Major Reserve on Saturday, May 16 at Genesee County KC under judge Jon Cole.


Jerry and Lynn got a fawn baby girl, who is 13 weeks old.


Mona's "Harbor", DantryDanes WYSIWYGs Breakwall went RWB on ay 23rd at New Castle KC under judge Mimi Kim.  On May 25th, again at New Castle KC, she went WB for 2 points under judge John Constatine.


Callie got a new puppy, who is 8 weeks old.  Believer Dane's Unmerited Faith at Unity also known as Grace.


Callie's "Chief" and litter mate sister, "Happy" completed their CGC at the Western PA Specialty.



Jackie, Danny, and Tootie's "Enzo", Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes the Son, was BOS at the GDC of W. PA under Bob Edison.


Mona's "Hulett", GCH WYSIWYG's Hulett Me Be A Rock Mover AOM CD BN RN CGC GDCA-VA ranked 6th in the Top 10 Great Danes in Novice Obedience; he ranked 2nd out of 49 in Novice Rally; and he ranked 13th out of 35 in Rally Advanced in the 2014 GDCA final Obedience & Rally Rankings.


Nikki's "Bishop", Seventhheavens High Roller,  won a 3 point major at Progressive Dog Club of Wayne County in Birch Run o April 25.


Heather's "Nevada", CH Journey's Viva Las Vegas, went to Decatur, IL and won Best of Breed under Roger Gifford on Thursday and again under Victoria Jordan and made the cut in the Working Group Friday.  She took BOS on Saturday & Sunday under Roger Hartinger and Mary Ann Brocious.  In Fond Du Lac, WI, she won BOS under Patricia Hastings for a 5 point major towards her GCH.  She was Select Bitch at the Milwaukee GDC Specialty for a 4 point major toward her GCH under Ralph Graff.


Greg & Gina's "Brew" CH Dugans' Good to the Last Drop at Griner, was SD/BOBOH/OHG4 at Medina KC on April 18 under Nancy Simmons for a major.  He was SD/BOBOH for another major at Central OH KC under Joyce Vorek on April 19th.  At Fort St. Clair KC, he was BOB/BOBOH for majors on April 25 & 26 under judges Skip Thielen and Nancy Liebes. In 6 shows as a special (3 weekends) he has 14 points towards his GCH.


Cyndy's "Warlow", Von Charms' Fate Intervened V Blacktie, won Best Junior in Sweeps at the GDC of W. PA show on Sunday, April 26th.



Sandee’s “Kasia” - DaneAcre's  Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara on January 2-2015

went WB/BOW/BOS owner Handled for her 1st point under Judge Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine at the Columbiana County KC.


Kitty’s “Rose” DaneAcre's Wild Irish Rose WB/BOW/BOS for 3pt Major on February  6, 2015 under Judge James Frederiksen  at the Hoosier KC. On March 14-2015, Rose went WB for her 2nd major under judge Patricia Sosa at the Evansville KC.


Greg and Gina’s “Brew” – is now CH Dugan’s Good To The Last Drop At Griner. At Rubber City Kennel Club on January 4, 2015 he went WD and BOW for a 3 point major under judge Joe C Walton to finish!!  At Erie KC on January 24, 2015 Brew went BOBOH under judge Bob Busby.  At Erie KC on January 25, 2015 Brew went BOB/BOBOH/OH Group 2.


Jackie, Danny, and Tootie’s “Enzo” - CH Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes The Son handled by Jessie Gerszewski went BOB for a 5 point major under judge Robert Smith. He went SD for a 3 point major on Friday, February 6, 2015 at the Hoosier Kennel Club under judge James E. Frederiksen.


Jan is to become a grandma for the first time this September!



 No meeting due to a snow storm.



No meeting.  We had a wonderful After-Christmas party at Jim & Kathy Baraga's home.



Upcoming Events

February Meeting
February  25
7:00 pm
Kathy Baraga's House
1256 Nesbitt Rd.
Sagamore Hills,
OH 44067

Public welcome!

Ohio Specialties
See you in June 2025!




Gina Griner​


Breeder Referral: 

Greg & Gina Griner


Rescue Liaison

Heather Sturdevant




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