2014 Brags
No Meeting. Merry Christmas!
Jackie, Danny, and Tootie's "Enzo", Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes the Son, was RWD at Agathon on Saturday under Jon Cole and WD/BOW for a three point major under judge Victoria Jordan on Sunday!
Mona's "Hulett", GCH WYSIWYG's Hulett Me Be A Rock Mover AOM CD BN RN CGC GDCA-VA scored a 192 in Obedience at Hoosier.
Callie was asked (and accepted) to judge the Sweepstakes at the Great Dane Club of Western Pennsylvania.
Greg & Gina's "Brew", Dugan's Good To The Last Drop At Griner, was WD for 2 points at Elmira KC on 9-25, WD/BOW at Onondaga KA for 2 points on 9-26, WD for 3 points at Kanadasaga KC under Robert Indeglia. At the National Brew was the winner of the Open Brindle dog at made the cut in Winner's Dog.
Jackie and Danny's "Luke", Starstruck's Tailgates and Tanlines V Pine Ridge RN, qualified in Rally with an 84 at the National.
Jackie, Danny, and Tootie's "Enzo", Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes the Son, won his class, 6-9 Black puppy dog, at the National.
Mona's "Harbor", Dantrydanes WYSIWYG's Breakwall, got 2nd place in her class at the National.
Mona's "Hulett", GCH WYSIWYG's Hulett Me Be A Rock Mover AOM CD BN RN CGC GDCA-VA qualified in the 2nd trial with 97 out of 100 and 100 out of 100 for first place in the 1st trial in Rally Novice B at the National.
NIkki's "Bishop", Seventh Heaven's High Roller, was 4th in his futurity class.
Callie's "Chief" Unity's Happily Squared Away, was 2nd in 6-9 Black dog and in 5-7months in Futurity. Kitty's daughter "Kali" Unity's No Ordinary Love won 1st place in Open Black bitch. Chance's grandson, "Stryker" won 1st place in a large 15-18 month class.
Cyndy's "Warlow" Von Charm's Fate Intervened V Black Tie, won the 6-9 fawn puppy dog class at the National.
On September 21st, Sandee's "Avery", She's Got The Midas Touch, passed her CGC and went BOB and a Group 3 (Adult) at the NE Ohio Puppy Match.
Sandee's "Kasia", Daneacre's Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara, was BOB and Group 1 at the NE Ohio Puppy Match. On September 28th, she won the Best in Match at the Great Dane Club of Cleveland's Annual Puppy Match under judge Ron Katarzynski.
No meeting due to puppy match
Jackie & Danny's "Luke" qualified for his third leg in Rally Novice A for an RN title
Joe & Tootie's "Scout" had 3 puppies, one black dog, one black bitch, and one fawn. bitch.
Joe & Tootie were named Breeders of the Year by the AKC for the Working Group in 2013!
Jan's Lita is pregnant and due May 12th.
Sandee's "Avery", She's Got The Midas Touch was WB/BOS under judge Philip Martin at Lorain County KC on August 9th for her second point. She was also WB/BOW/BOB over specials under judge Joe C Walton for her third point at St. Clairsville KC.
Jackie & Danny's "Enzo", Longo Miller N Lore's Here Comes The Son, won his class, Best of Breed and a Group 4 at the Lorain County KC Puppy Match.
Callie's "Chief", Unity's Happily Squared Away, won his class, Best of Breed and a Group 1 at the Lorain County KC Puppy Match under judge Lori Baker.
Sandee's "Avery", She's Got The Midas Touch was WB under Jane Forsythe at McKinley KC for her first point.
Greg & Gina's "Brew", Dugan's Good To The Last Drop at Griner, was WD/BOW for 1 point at McKinley KC under judge Jane Forsythe.
Mona's "Harbor", DantryDanes WYSIWYG's Breakwall, earned her AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy. She
on April 22nd.
Mona's "Harbor" competed in her first show at the 2014 OH Specialties. In the Sweepstakes, she got a 3rd, a 2nd, and under judge Joe Longo, a 1st placement in a large class of puppy bitches. In the regular classes, again in large classes of 10 puppy bitches, Harbor placed 3rd under judge Christine Pratt and 1st under judge John Walsh. She was handled by Patrice Lawrence.
Mona's "Hulett" made his debut as a veteran at the Ohio Specialties.
Buz & Mary's granddaughter is in the Akron Zoo ad on TV in the Beacon Journal.
No meeting due to Ohio Specialties
For the last two years the Longo organization has been donating the Lake County Humane Society. This year they donated $10K!
Jackie and Danny got married on Saturday. They have a new addition to their family, "Enzo", Longo Miller N Lore Here Comes the Son, out of Scout and sire to be determined. He is co-owned with Joe & Tootie.
Greg & Gina's "Brew", Dugan's Good To The Last Drop, was WD at Crawford Cty KC both days and WD/BOW at New Castle on Monday.
Heather's "Nevada", Journey's Viva Las Vegas, was Best Puppy at Cincinnati on Friday and RWB on Saturday Monday she was WB/BOW/BOS.
Jan's "Lita" whelped at litter of 16 with 13 surviving on May 12th.
Joe & Tootie's "Louis" sired 13 blue puppies out of Teresa LaBries puppies.
Joe & Tootie's "Chandler" had 6 puppies out of Diane Powers' bitch, "Fancy".
Bonnie & Larry's "Deva" passed her CGC test.
Jackie & Danny's "Luke" qualified for his third leg in Rally Novice A for an RN title
Joe & Tootie's "Scout" had 3 puppies, one black dog, one black bitch, and one fawn. bitch.
Joe & Tootie were named Breeders of the Year by the AKC for the Working Group in 2013!
Jan's Lita is pregnant and due May 12th.
Jackie & Danny's "Luke" qualified for his second leg in Rally Novice A on March 9th at Cleveland All-Breed Training Club.
Larry & Bonnie's "Jasper" passed his CGC on Saturday, March 22, piloted by Larry.
Mona has a new black puppy...Her name is "Harbor" her CKC and AKC registered name will be DantryDane-WYSIWYG's Breakwall. She was bred by Danielle Yule.
Joe & Tootie's "Scout" was the #1 Great Dane in the US in 2012 and 2013. 22 BISS, 91Group 1's, 172 Group Placements, and 38 All-Breed Bests in Show. She is the first Great Dane to be in the Top 10 among all breeds. And she is pregnant, bred to Chandler and Brew/
Jan's Story won Best in Match the Medina Puppy Match. She also won the Illini Puppy Derby and won her class on Sunday at Illini.
No meeting due to After-Christmas party.
Upcoming Events
February Meeting
February 25
7:00 pm
Kathy Baraga's House
1256 Nesbitt Rd.
Sagamore Hills, OH 44067
Public welcome!
Ohio Specialties
See you in June 2025!
Gina Griner​
Breeder Referral:
Greg & Gina Griner
Rescue Liaison
Heather Sturdevant